Humble Beginnings

Hello! I am Sneh. I was born and raised in Nepal in a patriarchal society with a single path open for women: enter an arranged marriage, have children as quickly as possible, devote every waking moment to tending to your family and household, and prove your worth by the number of sacrifices you’re willing to make for the good of others.

But that wasn’t my story. Instead, I became the first woman in my family to pursue higher education, earn a living and build a global career in the tech industry. One of the biggest gifts that my parents gave to me was to allow and support my financial freedom, which is still not a given for so many young girls. I learnt to be courageous and broke many social norms that stood in the way of building a life honouring my true potential. I made bold decisions, turned my life upside down, questioned and uprooted beliefs that did not serve me anymore. I started building new foundations of honesty, fulfillment, healthy boundaries and self-love.

Global leadership career in Big Tech

My tech career included a nine-year stint at Google, with postings in Hyderabad, Mumbai and Singapore, as well as seven years holding progressive leadership positions in the start-up world. While Google gave me a deep understanding of a mature culture and scaled, well-oiled operations, working at startups taught me how to thrive in uncertainty, navigate chaos, and manage early stage growth pains. A couple of gap years peppered in between have given me the exposure and learnings in passion projects around social impact.

Passion for People

Throughout my professional journey, I was most passionate about people. Figuring out how to create safe spaces for individuals to be vulnerable and for teams to be nurturing was both fascinating and deeply fulfilling for me.

To lean into this passion, and harness my experience to lift even more people, I've pivoted my career to full time coaching. I am trained and certified (CPCC) by the Co-active Training Institute (CTI), the world's most established and rigorous coach training institute which is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

I’m trained to support on any area across life or executive coaching. I coach individuals to reach their fullest potential, regardless of their roles in life. Whether they're striving to be a successful executive, a loving spouse or parent, or simply seeking more fulfillment in life. I believe in a holistic approach and encourage my clients to bring the whole person to our sessions. When we are truly well, we can shine in all our roles.