What is Executive coaching?

Workplaces are often fast paced, high pressure and high growth environments. As an entrepreneur, a leader or an individual contributor within an organisation, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and lose sight of what is truly important to us. I can help you tame complexity around you by asking powerful questions that evokes clarity, insight and action.

We often get stuck in perspectives, limiting our ability to solve problems, to create and innovate. Coaching can help you unlock other perspectives and allow for flow and momentum. As a coach I can help you identify self-sabotaging beliefs that get in the way of saying 'No' (leading to overwhelm, diluted focus or collision with one’s ethics), or ‘Yes’ (passing on opportunities due to low confidence and impostor syndrome).

It is often said that it can get lonely on the top. As your Coach, I’m there as a listening companion, a firm supporter who is there cheering on you as you bring about the hard, but much needed changes in your organisation. Coaching is a safe space to get real, feel seen, heard, challenged and supported.

Is this for you? It likely is, if your answer YES to any of the below questions:

  • Have you inherited a team with a less than nurturing culture?

  • Do you need a listening companion to help you strategize and make sound decisions?

  • Do you want to improve your leadership skills and ability to manage and motivate your team?

  • Are you preparing for a role/career change?

  • Do you want to improve your communication and negotiation skills with stakeholders?

  • Are you looking to develop a more effective work-life balance?

  • Do you feel anxious when faced with a conflict? Not able to set healthy boundaries and represent what you need?

  • Are you trying very hard to fit in? Do you not feel capable/not good enough?

  • Are you feeling burnt out, demotivated? Need/want a sabbatical, but it is never the right time?

  • Are you feeling dejected after not getting promoted? Is a low performance rating impacting your


  • Are you waiting for the right opportunity for too long? Would you like to take charge of your career?

  • Have you been asking yourself if you are in the right role? The right company? The right career?

  • Do you feel you have reached a plateau in your career and are not sure how to advance further?


For Private individuals

Every conversation starts on a 45 mins free exploratory call, with no commitments. This is for both of us to get to know each other, talk about coaching goals, see how the chemistry works, and decide on next steps.

Successful coaching often takes time and multiple sessions to develop trust, rapport, and achieve goals. Usually, a successful coaching arc requires a commitment of 6-10 sessions.

Per session (one hour) cost: 180 EUR (including 25% VAT)

I understand that such costs can be prohibitive for many, who would otherwise benefit greatly from coaching. Therefore I offer a ‘pay what you can’ spot also: if interested, please get in touch here.

My coaching fees vary for corporate clients. Please contact me to discuss your specific needs and budget.