What is Life coaching?

The answer is simple (but not easy): life coaching can help you live your most empowered and fulfilled life. Did you know that the most common deathbed regret is, “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me”?

In our sessions, we will explore and awaken your hopes and dreams, and identify what is getting in your way of living a purposeful and authentic life.

If you are going through some challenges, having a coach in your corner to support and listen can be very powerful. If you’re perfectly happy, we can explore how you can use your energy to create the impact you care about.

Is this for you? It likely is, if your answer YES to any of the below questions:

  • Do you feel a part of you has fallen asleep?

  • Do you sometimes feel that you can’t honestly show your true self? That you need to hide or pretend or please?

  • Do you often find it hard to say NO? To set and guard your boundaries?

  • Do you have dreams, childhood passions that you’ve long forgotten and buried? Are you unsure what your life’s calling is?

  • Do you often feel that you’re not good enough, low in confidence?

  • Are there stressful changes in your personal or professional life and you could use a supportive champion in your corner?

  • Are you feeling stuck, struggling with your goals, defeated and confused?

  •  Do you want to improve your self-awareness and better understand your values, strengths, and weaknesses?

  • Would you like to invite more adventure and courage in your life?

    “If nothing changes, nothing changes.”


For Private individuals

Every conversation starts on a 45 mins free exploratory call, with no commitments. This is for both of us to get to know each other, talk about coaching goals, see how the chemistry works, and decide on next steps.

Successful coaching often takes time and multiple sessions to develop trust, rapport, and achieve goals. Usually, a successful coaching arc requires a commitment of 6-10 sessions.

Per session (one hour) cost: 180 EUR (including 25% VAT)

I understand that such costs can be prohibitive for many, who would otherwise benefit greatly from coaching. Therefore I offer a ‘pay what you can’ spot also: if interested, please get in touch here.

My coaching fees vary for corporate clients. Please contact me to discuss your specific needs and budget.